Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New @ Sea World, the SURFING WHALE!

Yes, it's true, in Hawaii, even whales surf! Kaleb had his first day of school on Tuesday, despite being 1 of 2 white kids in the class, he did really good. For those of you who have not seen Susie and Taylor's blog lately probably haven't seen that Susie just completed a race. Shannon and I were one of the lucky ones who got to watch Susie race. Susie did really good, we were able to take a picture of her right as she crossed the finishline. You can tell how excited she is by the look on her face. I just want to say #18, you're my idol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Kevin and Rachel said...

Hey guys!! It looks like you are having sooo much fun!!! I'm so jealous! Hopefully we will be able to come see you guys before you get stationed somewhere else. So tell me, are the spiders and bugs there really as bad as Kevin says they are?