Our favorite place in the whole world, the North Shore
Hello everybody, it has been awhile since we have posted anything. My Mom and sister Sarah just came out recently but it was kind of sad when they left because now we have no visitors to look forward to. Not much going on here, just the same old, same old. Beach, work, kids and I just started graduate school, I think I am a lifetime learner:) We hear from Christy that everybody there is prego, there's not much else to do during economic times like these! Well hope all is well and we hope to see any of you guys soon!
Cute pics you guys!!! We miss you and hope to get to come see you soon. Aubri
I can't believe how big Ashlynn is! She's as big as Kyler! We hope you guys can come out soon and see us.
Ashlyn is such a big girl! She looks pretty tall! We miss you guys. Shannon, sorry I haven't ever called you back. By the time I thought of it, I didn't have your number still on my call list....Why don't you post it on your blog for the whole world to see so I can call you? :) We might actually come out to Hawaii in Dec., because my sister will be living there....Wait a minute, where's the army base in regards to the coast guard base? Hmmm...
We miss you guys sooo much!! Your family is getting so big with out us!! Cant wait to meet up with you all!
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